Sharing Workspaces

This document explains how to share a User or Company analytics workspace.

This document also assumes you are familiar with Moesif User and Company Analytics suite. For an introduction, see Introduction to User and Company` Behavior.

Moesif supports sharing both Users and Companies analysis workspaces. Unless this document states explicitly, it uses the term user to represent both Users and Companies for simplicity.

Sharable Analysis Types

You can share any workspace that contains one of the four user analysis types:

Access Restriction and Policy Constraints

Based on audience visibility and who you want to share a workspace with, Moesif User and Company Analytics workspaces fall into two types:

  • Private
  • Team

For more information, see Types of Workspaces.

Share a Workspace

Before you can share a workspace, you must first save the workspace to a dashboard. Then follow these steps to share your workspace:

  1. Select Share.
  2. Choose the sharing type:

    a. If you want to keep the workspace private and only accessible to you, select Private.

    b. If you want to share with your team members, select Team. Moesif generates a link that your team members can use to access the workspace.

To access the shareable links for a workspace any time, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the dashboard where you saved the workspace to.
  2. Select the title of the workspace.
  3. Select Share

Delete a workspace

  1. Go to the dashboard containing the workspace you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Select Delete again to confirm your choice.

API Access to Analytics Data

If you want to embed User and Company analytics data into custom solutions such as customer-facing applications, custom workflows, and so on, use Search API.

Search API gives you access to analytics data so you can craft bespoke solutions that tell important stories about user and company behavior. The data you access through Search API automatically updates. So you don’t need to worry about your workflows getting stale.

Search API is supported for Lookup and Composition analysis types.
