Setting Up Custom Billing Provider

This document describes how to set up a custom billing provider with Moesif Developer Portal.


Setting up a custom billing provider with Moesif Developer Portal involves the following steps in general:

  • Creating a plan and price definining the subscription of your product.
  • Implementing a checkout process.
  • For a successful checkout, implement the backend logic that performs the following tasks:
    • Verifies the purchase and subscription details.
    • Create subscription object.
    • Send the data to moesif.
    • Provision required services.

Set the Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables to custom:


Define Your Product Subscription

Use Moesif’s Product Catalog feature to create the Plan and Price for your product subscription. Make sure you create a custom plan by selecting Custom. After successfully, creating the plans and prices, the developer portal shows the available plans in the Plans page.

Plans page in the Developer Portal showing a custom plan

Implement the Checkout Process Form

Now you need to implement the checkout process form for your custom plan as the CustomCheckForm React component:

import React from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

function CustomCheckoutForm({ planId, priceId, user, idToken }) {
  return (
    <div id="checkout">
          For custom billing provider, please implement your custom check out
          flow here.
            Typically, the flow involves redirecting to a payment gateway.
            Upon successful payment, it should come back to{" "}
            , with some sort of success code or identifier
            On return page, it would make API call to backend:
              <li>to verify the payment is successful.</li>
              <li>to create the subscription.</li>
              <li>to provision any services.</li>
            For now: to simulate success return from payment provider, continue
            to:{" "}
                <button>return page</button>

export default CustomCheckoutForm;

Implement Successful Checkout

After you perform checkout through the checkout form you build in the preceding step, the following flow of events must happen:

  • The backend verifies the purchase and subscription details
  • The backend creates the subscription
  • The backend provisions the necessary services, if any

Initiate Successful Checkout

The registerPurchaseCustom function function sends the purchase and subscription details to the backend for verification:

function registerPurchaseCustom({
}) {

  fetch(`${import.meta.env.REACT_APP_DEV_PORTAL_API_SERVER}/register/custom`, {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      Authorization: `Bearer ${idToken}`,
    body: JSON.stringify({
      plan_id: planId,
      price_id: priceId,
      // session_id:
      // you may have a some sort of session id or checkout id from your payment provider that you can
      // use to verify purchase on the backend.
    .then(async (res) => {
      if (!res.ok) {
        const errorBody = await res.json();
        throw new Error(
          `Failed provision: ${res.status}, body: ${JSON.stringify(errorBody)}`
      return res.json();
    .then((data) => {
    .catch((err) => {
    .finally(() => {
      moesifIdentifyUserFrontEndIfPossible(idToken, user);

It sends the purchase and subscription details, like plan and price IDs, to the /register/custom endpoint. The next step shows how you you can verify those details.

Verify Successful Purchase

The verification involves these steps:

  1. Implement the BillingProvider class containing the verification logic. It must work with your custom billing provider to verify that a purchase is successful and return the subscription details accordingly. For example, the following assumes a successful purchase, creates a hard-coded subscription object, and returns it:

     class BillingProvider {
       verifyPurchaseAndCreateSubscription(req, data) {
         // use the request info to verify the purchase after checkout
         // but generally your billing provider should verify the subscription
         // and return the subscription object.
         // below is a fake subscription generated on the fly.
         const subscription = {
           id: generateGUID(),
           plan_id: data?.plan_id,
           price_id: data?.price_id,
           current_period_start: new Date().toISOString(),
           current_period_end: getOneMonthFromNowISO(),
         return {
         // throw new Error('Verify Purchase Not Implemented.');
  2. Write the handler function for HTTP POST request to /register/custom endpoint that uses the BillingProvider implementation to verify purchase and create subscription. For example:
       async function (req, res) {
         const customerId = await getUnifiedCustomerId(req.user);
         const email = req.user?.email;
         // verify plans and subscription using your custom billing provider.
         try {
           const { subscription } =
             await customBillingProvider.verifyPurchaseAndCreateSubscription(req, {
               user: req.user,
           console.log("custom subscription created", subscription);
             companyId: customerId,
             userId: customerId,
             email: email,
             companyId: customerId,
             planId: subscription.plan_id,
             priceId: subscription.price_id,
             currentPeriodStart: subscription.current_period_start,
             currentPeriodEnd: subscription.current_period_end,
             metadata: {
               // additional metadata you might want add.
           const user = await provisioningService.provisionUser(
           res.status(201).json({ status: "provisioned" });
         } catch (err) {
           console.error("Error registering user", err);
             message: "Failed to provision user. " + err.toString(),

    Here, the callback function extracts the subscription object from your implementation of BillingProvider for a successful purchase. It then sends the subscription data to Moesif and provisions the user services.
