Client IntegrationPermalink

Client integrations enables you to track customer activity within traditional web apps such as a React app log the custom actions to Moesif. This can be done using a Moesif client SDK like moesif-browser-js or a customer data platforms like Segment and Google Tag Manager. You can also import customer data directly via CSV import.

Choose a Client IntegrationPermalink

You can also connect Moesif to your billing provider to sync subscription data to Moesif. This enables you to easily charge for usage such as on API calls or custom actions tracked by Moesif.

The below Diagram shows how you can store user and company data in Moesif to better segment customers and understand customer usage.

Diagram of Moesif Registering users and companies

With a client integration, you can track two things on your web app:

  1. Identify users and store metadata like first name and email
  2. Identify companies and store metadata like company name and subscription info
  3. Track their actions such as “Signed Up” or “Purchased Plan”

More info on the Moesif data model is here

You can decide to track only users, only companies, or both based on your business and requirements. Usually B2B companies should track both, whereas API provided only to internal teams or B2C companies may find themselves sufficient with users only.

Client-side integrations automatically collect context from the customer’s session such marketing attribution and UTM tracking, their browser version, etc.
