Moesif WSO2 Choreo Plugin

In the Choreo console, choose the Organization you’d like to enable Moesif in by selecting it from the Organization dropdown in the top left of the screen.

Once selected, click the Settings menu option near the bottom in the left-side menu.

On the Settings screen, choose API Management in the available tabs across the top. From API Management, select the Moesif Dashboard tab.

Under Moesif Settings > Application Id, copy and paste your Moesif Application Id.

Your Moesif Application Id can be found in the Moesif Portal. After signing up for a Moesif account, your Moesif Application Id will be displayed during the onboarding steps when selecting WSO2 Choreo.

You can also find your Moesif Application Id at any time by logging into the Moesif Portal, clicking on the Settings menu (your name) in the bottom-left of the screen, and selecting Installation.

Once your Moesif Application Id is added, click the Add button at the end of the textbox.

Wait about 5 minutes for the configuration to propagate and send your first test request to one of your endpoints. This data should be received in Moesif shortly. Once received, this confirms that your integration is working!
