Moesif Plugin for Kong Konnect


The Moesif plugin for Kong Konnect enables you to get powerful API analytics and observability directly within your Kong environment. It works by logging API traffic to Moesif API Analytics and Monetization platform.

  • Kong Konnect is a cloud hosted API gateway and AI gateway.
  • Moesif is an API analytics and monetization service.

With the Moesif plugin for Kong Konnect, you can:

This plugin is designed to log REST, GraphQL, XML/SOAP, and other API traffic without adding any latency. This integration supports both Kong Konnect via Docker and Kong Konnect via Kubernetes.

Source Code on GitHub

Package on Luarocks

How to install (Docker)

1. Add Moesif Plugin to Data Plane Node

  1. In your control plane, go to Data Plane Nodes, then click New Data Plane Node.
  2. Choose Linux (Docker) and Generate a certificate.
  3. Copy the generated docker run command and add the following snippet to it:

    Substitute the PATH_TO_DIR in the snippet to the path where kong-plugin-moesif directory resides in your system.

    -v "/{PATH_TO_DIR}/kong:/tmp/custom_plugins/kong" \
    -e "KONG_PLUGINS=bundled,moesif" \
    -e "KONG_LUA_PACKAGE_PATH=/tmp/custom_plugins/?.lua;;" \
  4. Run the command to start a data plane node with Moesif plugin loaded in.

Please note that if you are running Kong Konnect on Docker, the plugin needs to be installed inside the Kong Konnect container for each node. Mount the plugin’s source code into the container.

2. Enable Moesif plugin in Konnect

  1. From the Gateway Manager, open a control plane.
  2. Open Plugins from the side navigation, then click Add Plugin.
  3. Open the Custom Plugins tab, then click Create on the Custom Plugin tile.
  4. Upload Schema File: /kong/plugins/moesif/schema.lua from the kong-plugin-moesif repo.
  5. Open the Moesif plugin and add your Moesif Application Id. After signing up for a Moesif account, your Moesif Application Id will be displayed during the onboarding steps or by going to API keys section within Moesif settings.

How to install (Kubernetes)


  • kubectl or oc access: You have kubectl or oc (if working with OpenShift) installed and configured to communicate to your Kubernetes TLS.
  • Helm 3 is installed.

1. Set up Helm

On your local machine, create a namespace in your Kubernetes cluster and pull down the Kong Helm repo.

  1. Create a namespace:
    kubectl create namespace kong
  2. Add the Kong charts repository:
    helm repo add kong
  3. Update Helm:
    helm repo update

2. Create a ConfigMap with the Moesif Plugin Code

You’ll need to clone the kong-moesif-plugin and navigate to the kong/plugins directory to create a configMap using

kubectl create configmap kong-plugin-moesif --from-file=moesif -n kong

Please ensure that this is created in the same namespace as the one in which Kong is going to be installed. This step will add moesif-plugin to data plane nodes when Kong Konnect is created.

3. Enable Moesif plugin for control plane

Konnect requires the custom plugin’s schema.lua file. Using that file, it creates a plugin entry in the plugin catalog for your control plane.

  1. From the Gateway Manager, open a control plane.
  2. Open Plugins from the side navigation, then click Add Plugin.
  3. Open the Custom Plugins tab, then click Create on the Custom Plugin tile.
  4. Upload the schema.lua file located on GitHub.
  5. Check that your file displays correctly in the preview, then click Save.
  6. Open the newly saved plugin and add your Moesif Application Id. After signing up for a Moesif account, your Moesif Application Id will be displayed during the onboarding steps or by going to API keys section within Moesif settings.

Uploading a custom plugin schema adds the plugin to a specific control plane. If you need it to be available in multiple control planes, add the schema individually to each one.

4. Generate certificates

Generate the certificates Konnect requires through the UI, then copy and save them to your local machine as tls.crt and tls.key. Next create a Kubernetes secret containing the certificates that we will reference from the Helm chart values.yaml.

Create Secret using tls.crt and .key files:

kubectl create secret tls kong-cluster-cert -n kong --cert=/{PATH_TO_FILE}/tls.crt --key=/{PATH_TO_FILE}/tls.key

5. Load Moesif Plugin

With Helm, you could load the Moesif plugin by adding the following values to your values.yaml file:

# values.yaml
  - name: kong-plugin-moesif
    pluginName: moesif

Example Configuration parameters for Gateway

Example values.yaml : Copy and paste this text into a file called values.yaml on your local machine. Please update image.tag if needed.

Note: moesif-plugin has been added in plugins section to load moesif-plugin in data plane nodes.

# values.yaml
  repository: kong/kong-gateway
  tag: ''

  - kong-cluster-cert

  enabled: false

  role: data_plane
  database: 'off'
  cluster_mtls: pki
  cluster_cert: /etc/secrets/kong-cluster-cert/tls.crt
  cluster_cert_key: /etc/secrets/kong-cluster-cert/tls.key
  lua_ssl_trusted_certificate: system
  konnect_mode: 'on'
  vitals: 'off'

# Add kong moesif plugin 
  - name: kong-plugin-moesif
    pluginName: moesif

  enabled: false
  installCRDs: false

6. Create Gateway

Apply the values.yaml with Helm install to deploy your Gateway data plane nodes:

helm install my-kong kong/kong -n kong --values ./values.yaml

You should see Gateway data plane pod up and in running state on success. To check pod’s state, run the following:

kubectl get pods -n kong

How to use


The Moesif Kong Plugin has a variety of options for things like data scrubbing and tweaking performance.

Parameter Default(Kong gateway 1.x, 2.x) Default(Kong gateway 3.x onwards) Description
name     The name of the plugin to use, in this case moesif
service_id     The id of the Service which this plugin will target.
route_id     The id of the Route which this plugin will target.
enabled true true Whether this plugin will be applied.
consumer_id     The id of the Consumer which this plugin will target.
api_id     The id of the API which this plugin will target. Note: The API Entity is deprecated in favor of Services since CE 0.13.0 and EE 0.32.
config.application_id     The Moesif application token provided to you by Moesif.
config.api_endpoint URL for the Moesif API.
config.timeout (deprecated) 1000 1000 Timeout in milliseconds when connecting/sending data to Moesif.
config.connect_timeout 1000 1000 Timeout in milliseconds when connecting to Moesif.
config.send_timeout 5000 5000 Timeout in milliseconds when sending data to Moesif.
config.keepalive 5000 5000 Value in milliseconds that defines for how long an idle connection will live before being closed.
config.api_version 1.0 1.0 API Version you want to tag this request with.
config.disable_capture_request_body false false Disable logging of request body.
config.disable_capture_response_body false false Disable logging of response body.
config.request_header_masks {} {} An array of request header fields to mask.
config.request_body_masks {} {} An array of request body fields to mask.
config.response_header_masks {} {} An array of response header fields to mask.
config.response_body_masks {} {} An array of response body fields to mask.
config.batch_size 50 50 Maximum batch size when sending to Moesif.
config.user_id_header ’’ nil Request or response header to use for identifying the User. See identifying users.
config.company_id_header ’’ nil Request or response header to use for identifying the Company. See identifying companies.
config.authorization_header_name authorization authorization Request header containing a Bearer or Basic token to extract user id. See identifying users. Also, supports a comma separated string. We will check headers in order like "X-Api-Key,Authorization".
config.authorization_user_id_field sub sub Field name in JWT/OpenId token’s payload for identifying users. Only applicable if authorization_header_name is set and is a Bearer token. See identifying users.
config.authorization_company_id_field ’’ nil Field name in JWT/OpenId token’s payload for identifying companies. Only applicable if authorization_header_name is set and is a Bearer token. See identifying companies.
config.disable_gzip_payload_decompression false false If set to true, will disable decompressing body in Kong.
config.max_callback_time_spent 750 750 Limiter on how much time to send events to Moesif per worker cycle.
config.request_max_body_size_limit 100000 100000 Maximum request body size in bytes to log.
config.response_max_body_size_limit 100000 100000 Maximum response body size in bytes to log.
config.request_query_masks {} {} An array of query string params fields to mask.
config.event_queue_size 100000 100000 Maximum number of events to hold in queue before sending to Moesif. In case of network issues when not able to connect/send event to Moesif, skips adding new to event to queue to prevent memory overflow.
config.debug false false If set to true, prints internal log messages for debugging integration issues.
enable_compression false If set to true, requests are compressed before sending to Moesif.  

Identifying users

This plugin will automatically identify API users so you can associate API traffic to web traffic and create cross-platform funnel reports of your customer journey. The default algorithm covers most authorization designs and works as follows:

  1. If the config.user_id_header option is set, read the value from the specified HTTP header key config.user_id_header.
  2. Else if Kong defined a value for x-consumer-custom-id, x-consumer-username, or x-consumer-id (in that order), use that value.
  3. Else if an authorization token is present in config.authorization_header_name, parse the user id from the token as follows:
    • If header contains Bearer, base64 decode the string and use the value defined by config.authorization_user_id_field (by default is sub).
    • If header contains Basic, base64 decode the string and use the username portion (before the : character).

For advanced configurations, you can define a custom header containing the user id via config.user_id_header or override the options config.authorization_header_name and config.authorization_user_id_field.

Identifying companies

You can associate API users to companies for tracking account-level usage. This can be done either:

  1. Defining config.company_id_header, Moesif will use the value present in that header.
  2. Use the Moesif update user API to set a company_id for a user. Moesif will associate the API calls automatically.
  3. Else if an authorization token is present in config.authorization_header_name, parse the company id from the token as follows:
    • If header contains Bearer, base64 decode the string and use the value defined by config.authorization_company_id_field (by default is ``).


No events logged to Moesif

You may have the plugin enabled twice for the same scope (global, service, route, etc), which Kong does not support. Make sure you remove all instances of the Moesif plugin and re-enable it only once. To confirm if you are running into duplicate instances, you may see this in your Kong logs:

init.lua:394: insert(): ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "plugins_cache_key_key"
Key (cache_key)=(plugins:moesif::::) already exists., client:, server: kong_admin, request: "POST /plugins/ HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:8001"

Another reason plugin may not be running is if you didn’t restart Kong after enabling the plugin. Make sure you restart your Kong instance.

Kong Konnect fails to recognize customer_id as user_id for each API call

If you’re using Kong Konnect with Moesif and having trouble linking the customer_id to user_id for API calls, it’s likely related to authentication plugin configuration. Make sure you have the appropriate auth plugin enabled in Kong.

API keys must be correctly utilized, and it’s important to note that API calls are only identified as linked to a user if the route is a protected one. If you’ve already sent requests using an API key generated via Kong but can’t see them automatically linked to the customer ID, check your auth plugin settings.


Other integrations

To view more documentation on integration options, please visit the Integration Options Documentation.