Server integration automatically instrument your applications to log API traffic to Moesif including REST, GraphQL, XML/SOAP, RPC, and other APIs.

You can mix and match multiple integrations together to gain a unified view of your API usage even if you have different API management tools and technologies. Server integrations are low-code and automatically instrument your application. Server integrations also support enforcing quotas and governance as well.

If you already have an off-the-shelf API gateway deployed, we recommend using one of Moesif’s API gateway plugins. There are plugins available for most API gateways including NGINX, Kong, and WSO2. You can also install a server integration for your web/API’s framework.

These integrations support logging incoming API calls hitting your own APIs and also log outgoing calls to third party services.

Choose a Server Integration

Select a language/plugin to get started with integration.

OpenTelemetry Support

Moesif is compatible with OpenTelemetry either through Moesif’s native integrations or Moesif’s OTel compliant endpoint. Instead of a native API Gateway or server integration, you can configure your existing OTel client to send OTel trace data to Moesif’s OTel compliant endpoint. See how to configure OTel clients to use Moesif.

For new Moesif installations, we recommend using a native Moesif server integration for full functionality. Moesif will still capture OTel data regardless if using Moesif’s OTel endpoint or a native server integration.

OpenTelemetry Limitations

  1. The OTel integration does not support Moesif API governance rules. If you want to enforce quotas and govern access, use one of Moesif’s native server integrations.
  2. Moesif’s dynamic sampling is not supported. However, you can still leverage OTel sampling which provides a more limited version sampling. See docs on sampling
  3. Currently only traces are captured. As an analytics platform, Moesif does not support capturing traditional logs.

Custom Actions

If you cannot use a server integration, you can directly ingest custom events via the Action API.
