Configuring the Dashboards

The Dashboard of the Moesif Developer Portal is powered by Moesif Embedded Templates. This functionality enables API logs, usage metrics, and other visualizations to be seamlessly displayed within the developer portal for your customers.

Plans page in the Developer Portal showing usage and metrics

Adding Embedded Templates to the Dashboard

The Dashboard of the Developer Portal includes two key visualizations sourced from Moesif: a Live Event Log and a Time Series Chart. These charts provide insights into user activity trends and detailed call logs. To set up these embedded templates, follow the steps below:

Create the Live Event Log

  1. In Moesif, click the New button in the top-left menu and select Live Event Log.
  2. Once the log is displayed, click Embed/API in the top-right corner.
  3. In the Embed/API Access modal:
    • Select Embed Template under Select Integration Type.
    • Name the template (e.g., “Live Event Log”).
    • Enable Dynamic User ID in the Sandbox Policy section.
  4. Click Get Embed Code to generate the embed code. Copy the workspace id in the first paragraph for later use.

Create the Time Series Chart

  1. In Moesif, click the New button and select Time Series.
  2. Once the chart is displayed, click Embed/API in the top-right corner.
  3. In the Embed/API Access modal:
    • Select Embed Template under Select Integration Type.
    • Name the template (e.g., “Time Series”).
    • Enable Dynamic User ID in the Sandbox Policy section.
  4. Click Get Embed Code to generate the embed code. Copy the workspace id in the first paragraph for later use.

Updating Environment Variables

To integrate the management token and templates, update the environment variables for your development setup.

Environment Variables for Node

  • Open the my-dev-portal-api/.env file.
  • Replace the following lines with the correct values:
  • Save the .env file to ensure the updated values are persisted.

Environment Variables for Docker

  • Open the distribution/docker-compose.yml file.
  • Add or update the following entries in the relevant service configuration under environment:
  • Save the docker-compose.yml file to ensure the updated values are persisted.

Next Steps

After updating the environment variables, save the changes and proceed to using the Developer Portal.
