Write for Moesif

Hi there—we're excited you're interested in contributing to our blog!

We want to provide valuable insights and resources for people working in the API space. You can share your knowledge and experience through our blog with the leaders in the API industry, as well as empowering the comnunity as a whole.

To get started, make sure you read through the following sections about the types of content we're looking for and the content guidelines. Then fill in the guest submission form.

We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Our Audience

Moesif Blog targets an audience with varying degrees of technical expertise. This includes:

  • Developers: Building and integrating APIs.
  • Architects: Designing and managing API infrastructure.
  • Product managers: Making strategic decisions about APIs.
  • Engineering leaders: Overseeing API development and strategy.

What We're Looking For

API Observability

Best practices around API observability, OpenTelemetry, and debugging issues

API Management

Insights and best practices for API design, security, and performance.

Product Analytics

  • Content focused on leveraging product analytics for driving a better product strategy.
  • Techniques and metrics for API products.

API Industry Trends

Analysis of emerging trends in the API productization and API monetization areas.

Technical Tutorials

Step-by-step guides on topics relevant to Moesif's audience, including coding examples.

Content Guidelines

Original Content

Submissions must be original work that have not been published on any other website, forum, chat or social media network. We do not permit plagiarism or copyright infringement, for copy or images.

Quality Writing

We expect well-structured, clear, and engaging writing. We don't inlcude affiliate links in guest post submissions.


Each submission must stay between 500-2,000 words.


Submissions must cite any external sources or references used in the article.


Include relevant images, charts, or infographics with proper attribution.

No Compensation

We treat guest post subbmissions as voluntary and unpaid. Moesif doesn't compensate the submissions in any form.