API Product Management
API Product Management
Why a Unified View of API Usage is Critical for Managing Multiple API Gateways
Learn how multi-gateway APIs create data silos and why unifying API usage and analytics is key for efficiency and monetization.
API Product Management
Definitive Guide to SaaS Reverse Trials
Explore API reverse trials for game-changing insights and benefits. Elevate your user experience using the right monetization method.
API Product Management
Pricing Strategies for API Products
API pricing is not one size fits all. Finding the right monetization method for your product matters.
API Product Management
Build Vs Buy: API Management Solutions
API analytics shouldn’t be a headache. From third party to in-house, an API management solution can save the day.
API Product Management
PoC in a Day vs. PoC in a Month with Moesif
For SaaS companies, a robust proof of concept (PoC) can be the differentiator for their sales pipeline.
API Product Management
Monetizing APIs: Accelerate Growth and Relieve Strain on Your Engineers
Monetizing your API products can alleviate engineering stress and increase your bottom line.
API Product Management
Platform Analytics
Get a global view of your API product’s health
API Product Management
API Business Analytics
What are API business analytics and why are they important
API Product Management
5 Key Considerations for Building DeFi APIs
A comprehensive overview of key considerations when building a DeFi API.
API Product Management
How to Maximize Product Led Growth with Customer Success Best Practices
What should CSM professionals be doing to accelerate growth in PLG companies
API Product Management
The 4 Best dApp Frameworks for First-Time Ethereum Developers
Learn more about the 4 best frameworks for your Ethereum dApp
API Product Management
Introducing Custom Functions and Formulas
Custom functions and formulas and how to use them
API Product Management
Top 5 PHP REST API Frameworks
Factors to consider when choosing a Framework for Building PHP RESTful APIs
API Product Management
Top 5 GO REST API Frameworks
Factors to consider when choosing a Framework for Building GO RESTful APIs
API Product Management
Top 5 Node.js REST API Frameworks
Factors to consider when choosing a Node.js Framework for Building RESTful APIs
API Product Management
Top 5 Java REST API Frameworks
Factors to consider when choosing a Framework for Building Java RESTful APIs
API Product Management
Top 5 Python REST API Frameworks
Factors to consider when choosing a Python Framework for Building RESTful APIs
API Product Management
How to Sell Your APIs
Thoughts on building, distributing, and selling your APIs
API Product Management
10 Most Popular Frameworks For Building RESTful APIs
Factors to consider when choosing a Framework for Building RESTful APIs
API Product Management
Top 8 Blockchain APIs for Developers
Factors to consider when choosing a Blockchain API
API Product Management
What’s the Best Way to Determine the Price of an API?
Pricing your APIs is an important but difficult task. This post explores different angles in which to approach API pricing.
API Product Management
Drive Valuable Insights About Your Web3 Application Using API Analytics
What can your API data tell you about your Web3 app? Learn about leveraging API analytics to keep your users happy and your business growing.
API Product Management
Using Time Series Charts to Explore API Usage
It is often difficult to identify trends in data, but an API Analytics and Product Analytics Visualization will make it easier.
API Product Management
How Can Moesif Help You Understand API Usage?
Want to understand how your customers are using your APIs and potential issues? Here’s how Moesif can help!
API Product Management
Using Moesif’s Live Event Log to Filter and Inspect API Calls and Events
Find out how to utilize the Live Event Log to view real-time events and actions coming from your platform
API Product Management
What is Product Retention and How Can You Improve It?
Retention is a great way to measure business health and supercharge revenue. Discover what it is and how to improve it with Moesif
API Product Management
What Is An API Product?
A brief overview of what an API product is, how to build them, and how Moesif helps
API Product Management
Using Moesif and Stripe for Pay-As-You-Go API Billing
Learn how to implement PAYG billing with Moesif and Stripe
API Product Management
How to Customize Your Profile View Experience in Moesif
Check out the latest improvements to user and company profile views in Moesif
API Product Management
Introducing Profile Dashboards in Moesif
Profile Dashboards are the easiest way to see key metrics for specific users and companies in Moesif
API Product Management
Keep A Pulse on Your Account Health with Profile View
With Moesif’s new profile view feature you can easily see the health of every customer account with a single click
API Product Management
What is TTFHW?
Time to First Hello World, or TTFHW, is a key metric for product-focused organizations
API Product Management
Vanity Metrics for APIs vs Tracking Business Value From API Transactions
A guest post on how to avoid common pitfalls and focus on real, actionable metrics for tracking your API program
API Product Management
API Analytics Across the Developer Journey
A guest post on how to utilize analytics to maximize your product’s outcomes
API Product Management
How to Track Developer Experience with Docusaurus and Moesif API Analytic
How to set up Docusaurus with Moesif to track the end-to-end developer journey
API Product Management
Keeping Your API Product Team Happy
Find out what’s important for PMs from the man who literally wrote the book on API product management
API Product Management
How to Properly Deprecate an API using Moesif
How to implement a process to properly deprecate APIs and features using Moesif
API Product Management
How to make your API Platform Easy for Developers to Adopt
A slide deck from apidays NY on how to make your API platform easy for developers to adopt
API Product Management
Tracking a Developer’s Journey From Documentation Visit and Sign Up to First API Call
If you’re only measuring website activity or API traffic, you only see half the story
API Product Management
API-First Product Managers’ Popular API Tools and API Metrics
Interview results from PMs at San Francisco companies with >$100M revenue
API Product Management
What Are Good Traits That Make A Great API Product Managers
What is API product management and what can you be doing to be a better API product manager
API Product Management
What does API Monitoring Mean for API Product Managers and Growth Teams
What API metrics are important to monitor for product managers and growth teams
API Product Management
10 API Product Manager Interview Questions
We have provided 10 questions to supplement your interview process for roles in API product management
API Product Management
Best practices for building SDKs for APIs
What are common design patterns to leverage when building high-performance SDKs?
API Product Management
Benefits of using the OpenAPI (Swagger) specification for your API?
There are many reasons why adding an OpenAPI specification between frontend and backend can be valuable; such as when dealing with a massive userbase.
API Product Management
How to Build a Personalized Developer Experience to Onboard Developers Faster
An awesome developer experience starts with personalization and guidance. This guide explains what’s required to get started.
API Product Management
Developer Experience: 4 Usability Tricks
Developer Experience (DX): Usability tips: from measuring time to first hello world (TTFHW) to providing the right tools for developers to succeed
API Product Management
Which HTTP Status Code to Use for Every CRUD App
How to use best use the correct HTTP status code in API design for CRUD apps (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
API Product Management
Guidelines to monetize consumer apps: measuring monetization feature impact
If you’re monetizing your game without ads, features related to goals generate the most revenue, followed by features related to self-expression.
API Product Management
REST API Design: Filtering, Sorting, and Pagination
Advanced REST API design guidelines for API filtering, sorting, and pagination.
API Product Management
Steps to building Authentication and Authorization for GraphQL APIs
How to handle authentication and authorization for GraphQL APIs, including where to set permissions and privileges for different resources?
API Product Management
REST API Design Best Practices for Parameter and Query String Usage
Where to put the parameters for APIs? Best practices for parameter and query string usage in REST APIs.
API Product Management
Best Practices for Versioning REST and GraphQL APIs
Should we version our APIs and if so, how?
API Product Management
REST API Design Best Practices for Sub and Nested Resources
REST API design best practices for nested resources
API Product Management
Designing Good Static REST API Documentation
A guide to organization and design of awesome REST API documentation for your API
API Product Management
Using Monetization Stack to Analyze and Plan Game Revenue
Monetization Stack is a tool for analyzing and plan how you make money with your games before it is even launched.