Keep A Pulse on Your Account Health with Profile View

The Moesif product team has been staying very busy as of late! We have been listening to our partners and gathering feedback, and what we have heard is an outpouring of requests for new tooling that provides a 360-degree-vantage-point into your customers’ account health. As a result, we are very excited to announce that we have released our newest feature: Profile Dash View.
Our Profile View is designed to empower customer-facing teams with a central source for monitoring and analyzing your customers’ account health. We have created a mini-dashboard that is part of Moesif’s users’ and companies’ section that has a number of our most relevant charts. This tool will allow support teams to quickly get up to speed on where your customers are finding success and what issues they might be running into. The goal is to drive more delightful platform experiences.
One of the key reasons we built the Profile View tool is that our partners told us the importance of accessing account metrics in an easy and uniform fashion. They did not want to manage a set of disparate charts spread across the platform. Rather, our partners noted the necessity of having key account metrics under one roof in order to visualize exactly what is happening with every customer. With Moesif’s Profile View you can operate off a single template and your metrics can be applied across your customer base without having the need to make manual adjustments.
For instance, imagine you get a call from a customer and they are struggling with 400/500 errors. The support rep has to work with agility to solve the issue quickly and doesn’t have time to build out new reports. To accomplish this, the rep can now have the necessary product metrics already assembled in Profile View, so they can diagnose the issue and get the developer back on track.
Moreover, support teams are required to operate from a strategic level by establishing trends showing whether an account is ripe for expansion or whether accounts are at risk of churn. Having access to multiple signals, such as recent log-ins, daily usage, and feature utilization presented in a streamlined fashion in Profile View is critical to future revenue goals and the success of the support team.
While support teams have to manage a wide array of priorities, the success metrics themselves can vary dramatically, depending on the business outcomes that you are looking to optimize. This is why our Profile View has the ability to customize the metrics that you’d like to report on. That said, Moesif does provide a number of charts outbox for your team to leverage, which offer a great teeing-off-point for your support team. To name a few:
- New Account Sign-Ons
- Daily API Growth Rate
- Most Active Users
- API Error Log
- MRR Growth
Learn more about how Moesif can enable collaboration around your analytics.
Where to Find Profile View on The Moesif Platform:
Log into your Moesif account. Within the left sidebar navigation, under “Saved Dashboards”, you should now see a Dashboard titled “Profile Dashboards”. Click on this row (or the ‘expand’ arrow on its left) to reveal the options for “User Profile” and “Company Profile”. Then click on either of these Dashboards to view. These templates determine which charts are shown in the respective profiles of either customer type—”users” for individual users, and “companies” for entire organizations.
In either User View or Company View, you will find Moesif’s out-of-the-box dashboards, but as mentioned earlier, you have the ability to customize the charts based on the needs of your organization. Our Profile View operates in the same framework as our Workspaces, where you can add and delete charts with just a few clicks.
Once you’ve finished customizing your Profile View, you can test the new profile out in either the Moesif’s Customer or User page. For example, if you want to check on the account health of a specific customer, you can search for the customer, then click on their orange company ID and from there you can scroll down and see the company dash view with your pre-established charts.
With Moesif’s Profile View, support teams can now work at lighting speed to better understand their customers’ account health, as you can see everything you need to know about any customer with just one click. Whether you need to work operationally or from a strategic business angle, Moesif Profile View has your support team covered.