April Product Updates: Ethereum Web3 and GraphQL API support, Anomalies Visualizations, Custom Triage Rules

Over the last couple months, the Moesif team has been continuously delivering new features to aid your API debugging and monitoring needs including expanding our core platform support to Ethereum Web3, JSON-RPC, and GraphQL APIs, anomalies detection and visualization, enriched alerts, and more customization.
Support for GraphQL
Moesif now has native support for GraphQL. Moesif will parse your GraphQL operations into its respective components so that you can apply all the powerful analytics already available for REST APIs. GraphQL shifts much of the responsibility of generating defined queries from the server to the client. GraphQL APIs can received hundreds or thousands of different queries patterns from clients, thus increasing the necessity of using a powerful API analytics tool like Moesif to understand API behavior.
Check out Moesif’s docs for GraphQL support
Support for Ethereum Web3
Like GraphQL, we are super excited about the growth of Blockchain and DApps (Decentralized Applications). However, even Blockchain apps need robust monitoring and analytics of interactions with smart contracts and the blockchain.
Moesif now supports DApps built on top of Ethereum by monitoring the apps interactions with the Web3 API (JSON-RPC).
Check out Moesif’s docs for Ethereum Web3 API support
Metric anomaly visualization and enriched alerts
We vastly improved our anomaly detection and monitoring. You can easily view a summary of recent anomalies and plot charts such as below for each of the tracked metrics:
Anomaly alerts are now are enriched with visualizations to give you a better overview. The chart is including in alerts send out to all channels, including email, Slack and SMS.
Custom Triage Rules/Scripts
If you don’t like the default logic Moesif uses for triaging errors, you can now create a custom Javascript function that defines your triage logic.
Closing Thoughts
There are many other improvements including:
- More advanced search filters, including negation filters.
- Error aggregation analysis
- Improvements to the cloud proxy
- many UI improvements
We’ve also made many bug fixes:
- Moesif now works even if third party cookies disabled (Default in Safari)
- Cloud Proxy now works with super long URLs
- Uptime improvements for Web Portal API and triaging
- Accurate event count and session count reporting in buckets
- faster and more accurate alert emails while avoiding false alerts
- Moesif-express now saves users correctly
We are constantly working to make Moesif better and more awesome. Many of these features are based on your feedback, but always love to hear more from you on what features you’d like to see.
Moesif is the most advanced API Analytics platform. Thousands of platform companies leverage Moesif for debugging, monitoring and discovering insights.
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